How to open a business in the Italy? 

Business in ItalyItaly, with a unique ancient culture, is the pioneer of legal business regulation. Legal traditions, created along centuries, formed prerequisites for successful entrepreneurship in this state, and they do not require special efforts for control. Successful geographical location, immediate proximity of the majority of highly developed European powers, offers wide advantages for investment.

Business in Italy

Italy has always attracted foreign entrepreneurs. It turns out that starting a business in Italy is not difficult, you should not prove your own exceptional nature. Government support for foreign investors is convenient and concise.

Among the advantages promoting to organize your own business in Italy the following should be mentioned:

  1. Huge skilled labour market,
  2. Probability to operate beyond the country at the level of the European Union,
  3. Loyal tax regime,
  4. Concessional lending,
  5. Developed infrastructure,
  6. Possibility to get a residence permit,
  7. State support,
  8. Favourable geographical location,
  9. Developed legal system.

A unique feature that distinguishes entrepreneurship in Italy is the huge involvement of existing companies in the family business. The share of such enterprises is about 80 percent of the total number of registered ones.

Depending on the focus of business in Italy and the choice of management system, the following most optimal forms of companies are distinguished in the country:

  1. Individual enterprise.
    It is established by an individual and managed personally. Liability for the obligations of the company extends to all property of the entrepreneur.
  2. Closed limited company.
    The number of participants is not limited. Liability is limited by the amount of contributions to the authorized capital. Issuance of securities is allowed. It is prohibited for third parties to alienate shares without the consent of the other founders.
  3. Open joint-stock company.
    Open joint-stock company is used mainly to create a large business. The issuance of registered securities is allowed. Shares can be offered to a wide range of individuals. This form is characterized by strict state control.

Registration of Business in Italy

The high government interest in regular foreign investment  influenced the simplicity of the procedure for establishing new companies. Similar to the majority of most European countries interested in a developed and strong economy, registering a business in Italy is simple and organic. Indeed, we should not forget that the slightest inaccuracies in the constituent documents can lead to fatal consequences for a potential  company.

The following obligatory stages characterizing this process should be noted:

  1. Verification of  the company name for uniqueness. The name must not resemble any name of the established company,
  2. Depositing funds in the accounts of the local bank as a primary contribution to the authorized capital,
  3. Notarization of constituent documents,
  4. Payment of state duty,
  5. Certain types of activities require a license,
  6. Registration in the Chamber of Commerce.
  7. Registration in the tax service,
  8. Registration of hired employees in the bodies of social protection in case of need.

Registration of business in Italy takes no more than 10 days.

To reduce the time of registration, as well as to minimize organizational expenses, we recommend you to contact qualified specialists. Providing detailed advice helps to buy business in Italy. We provide legal and consulting assistance.


Please, select organizational and legal form of the company You are interested in:

Italy -SAS

Italy -SrL


For reference :

  • Società per azioni (SPA) - Public Joint Stock Company
  • Società a responsabilità limitata (SRL) - Private Limited Liability Company
  • Società a responsabilità limitata unipersonale (SRLU) - Private company with limited liability and sole owner
  • Società in accomandita per azioni (SAPA) - Partnership limited by shares
  • Società in accomandita semplice (SAS) - Limited Liability Partnership
  • Società in nome collettivo (SNC) - Partnership with unlimited liability