Any person operating a money service should be licensed with the Commissioner of Customs and Excise pursuant to the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance (Chapter 615 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “AMLO”).
Money service includes money changing service and remittance service. It is an offence to operate a money service in Hong Kong without a license.
Money changing service means a service for exchanging of currencies that is operating in Hong Kong as a business, but not include those service that is incidental to the main business.
Remittance service means a service of one or more of the following that is operated in Hong Kong as a business:
(a) sending, or arranging for the sending of, money to a place outside Hong Kong;
(b) receiving, or arranging for the receipt of, money from a place outside Hong Kong;
(c) arranging for the receipt of money in a place outside Hong Kong.
One shall only operate a money service after being granted a license by the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department. Normally, the Money Service Operators (“MSO”) License has a validity period of 2 years. Hence the licensee shall apply for renewal of license before expiration to continue its operation of money service.
A MSO applicant could be a Hong Kong limited company, Hong Kong unlimited company or overseas company.
After submitting all the required documents, the The Commissioner of Customs & Excise (“CCE”) will request for payment of application fees (for application itself and for each partner/director/benefitial owner).
After payment, “CCE” will interview the applicant and issue an "additional information" form to the applicant. The applicant (or any partner / director / ultimate owner) must not have been convicted of a financial or criminal offence, or is an undischarged bankrupt, and the premises for operation of the “MSO” business is considered by “CCE” to be suitable.
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