Brand and Trademark Protection on the Internet: Removing Negative About the Company | Law & Trust International

Legal services for brand protection

When promoting a company's goods and services, a brand is the irreplaceable attribute. It makes the organization recognizable, distinguishes it from others and helps to form its reputation. At the same time, the brand is not only a name, it includes a whole range of attributes, and it must be treated with all responsibility.

The unauthorized use of the brand on the Internet is one of the biggest problems in today's reality. Because of this, the products from different companies may be sold under the same brand name. In this case, the copyright holder may lose its reputation due to the fact that another organization sold a low-quality product under its trademark. This may require removing the negative stuff about the company. It is better to avoid such problems, because then it will be very difficult to cope with them. Law & Trust offers its clients the services for legal protection of the brand on the Internet. We will help to protect your reputation.

Legal protection of a trademark online.
Legal protection of a trademark online.

What is a brand?

How to protect your brand online? Legal consultation.
How to protect your brand online? Legal consultation.


A brand is a complex of distinctive, unique symbols of the legal entity, which helps to ensure its recognition. The brand is made up of several components, including:

  • Entity name;
  • Logo and trade mark;
  • Slogan;
  • Domain name, etc.

In addition, the websites, blogs and articles in them, the objects protected by copyright, items of intellectual property, etc. can be considered as the brand.

Problems with the protection of intellectual property.
Problems with the protection of intellectual property.

Why Do Such Problems Occur?

The main challenge for the companies is that many of them want to take advantage of the brand that has been promoted for a long time and has earned a positive reputation. In this case, a full copy of the brand can be used on the Internet. Typically, there are two main goals for such actions:

  • Selling its own goods and services under the brand of the company that is already known on the market;
  • Taking measures to tarnish the reputation of the legal entity, deliberate actions to form a negative opinion of the clients.

All of these problems can affect the way a company operates. The sale of products under the copied brand can lead to a decrease in the sales of the brand owner, while tarnishing the reputation can even lead to the lawsuits from customers.

However, the brands, trademarks and product marks are the items protected by law. Thus, in the event of illegal use of intellectual property, the company has the right to demand from the violator the removal of the website and the logotype, as well as the compensation for the damages caused to the copyright holder due to the violation of copyright for the brand.

How is Brand Protected?

The protection of trademark and other brand attributes implies a set of measures to identify violations and eliminate them. Once the company has registered the trademark, it is protected by the copyright laws. The copyright protection is carried out from the registration of the right of priority. Thus, it is strictly prohibited to use them without the permission of the copyright holder. Consequently, the first step of brand protection on the Internet is the official registration and documentation of the right of ownership.

If any violation of the copyright and any actions discrediting the copyright holder's reputation are revealed, the company has the right to contact the violator and demand that it refuses to use the trademark, deletes information, which negatively affects the reputation. In addition, the copyright holder may also demand compensation for the damages, which were caused as a result of the violator's actions.

At the first stage, the negotiations are held with the violator in order to force him to voluntarily remove the illegally used brand attributes. If the violator refuses to do so, the protection is carried out in court. In this case, it is necessary to correctly draw up a statement of claim, clearly and specifically state the requirements for the defendant in it, as well as submit the documents confirming your right to the trademark and other brand attributes.

Services of Law & Trust

Law & Trust offers its clients the services for protecting the company's business reputation, as well as protecting the copyright for items of intellectual property. Law & Trust specialists have extensive experience in this kind of cases. The lawyers of our company will provide all the necessary services to help to protect your rights:


  • Consulting for clients, providing the necessary information;
  • Registration of the copyright for trademarks;
  • Mediation of the conflict, negotiations with the violator in the pre-trial order;
  • Preparation of the statement of claim, documents for going to court and protecting the clients' interests in court.
The extensive experience and comprehensive knowledge of legislation help our lawyers to provide the high-quality services for your business. We guarantee the reliable protection of your rights.

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Junior Legal Counsel
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Ekaterina Bogatova
Aleksander Shushin
Anastasia Alexeeva
Victoria Zhelezova
Branch Director, HR
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