Registering a brand name in Egypt

Registration of trademarks in Egypt is still cost-efficient due to tax concessions and customs benefits in force in the country. Legislation of the country with respect to copyright law is similar to the European one. Names can be registered in accordance with different classes (in Cyrillic alphabet or Roman alphabet).

Duration of the procedure can range from 8 to 18 months. Nowadays, Egypt has signed the Madrid Agreement, so the procedure is fairly transparent there.

  • Initially, the application can be submitted in French, Spanish or English, participation of foreign patent attorneys is not required.
  • The regulatory center is the International Patent Office.
  • International examination is usually rather stricter than national one.
  • The license is valid for 10 years, with the possibility of renewal.

The application with the indication of the class according to the ICGS is accompanied by standard package of documents, namely:

  • Copy of the identification document: passport - for natural persons, and certificate - for legal entities.
  • Document on payment of the international patent fee.
  • 15 copies of the image of the trademark, product samples are also desirable, application of the trademark, and also the brand book is preferable.

As a result, you receive international certificate in English, which is recognized in the territory of Egypt. The national patent office, on the basis of its own examination, can declare the refusal to protect specific trademark within one and a half year.

The content of the trademark should take into account the specific character of the strict customs typical for the Arab countries, and it is prohibited to use the generally accepted symbols, images of flags and state emblems.

Cost of registration of trademark in Egypt

The Madrid system rarely provides the opportunity to create trademark at a low cost. Minimum amount that will have to be spent on color trademark with class 1 according to the ICGS equals to approximately 500 USD. This includes the fee and the services of the patent office.

Subsequently, international registration can be extended to other countries, and it will be cheaper than applying for new national registration. The standard cost of adding another country party to the Madrid agreement is 100 Swiss francs.

The cost of trademark registration in the Egypt

The data is relevant for today 14.03.2025 - 16:26

Country Comprehensive review Registration service Registration certificate Total
Trademark registration in Egypt
First class, Word mark OR Logo
102.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
69.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo:
No data
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
First class, Word mark OR Logo
263.15 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
309.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
First class, Word mark OR Logo
262.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo
89.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo
No data
First class, Word mark OR Logo627.15 USD
Additional class, Word mark OR Logo467.00 USD
First class, Word mark AND Logo0.00 USD
Additional class, Word mark AND Logo0.00 USD


Step 1
Free Consultation *
During the free consultation, our experts will assist you in selecting the most optimal class under the ICGS
Step 2
Preliminary Check
Our lawyers will carry out an expert assessment of the emblem/logo/TM, ensuring it complies with the necessary requirements and the degree of resemblance between your trademark and already registered TM
Step 3
You can agree with us on the most convenient payment method
Step 6
Obtaining a Certificate
On request, the certificate of registration can be delivered to you via courier service
Step 5
The registrar reviews the application and attached documents; the procedure can be done without the client necessarily being present
Step 4
Submission of Documents
After completing a power of attorney, our specialists collect and prepare the necessary documents (including statement of use) and submit the application for trademark registration

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countries for registration of TM
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